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Det är lätt att bli medlem

Att bli medlem

Det enda du behöver göra för att bli medlem är att fylla i en ansökan om medlemskap. Om vi får din ansökan före midnatt den sista i månaden kan du bli medlem från och med den första i samma månad.

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What is an unemployment insurance fund?

In Sweden, there are 24 different unemployment insurance funds, each known as an A-kassa.
These funds pay out money to their members if they become unemployed and meet the eligibility requirements for compensation. The unemployment insurance funds decide who is entitled to receive compensation. They also accept members who wish to join the fund in order to be entitled to receive unemployment compensation if they become unemployed.

In Sweden, there are different types of unemployment insurance fund.
The unemployment insurance fund that you should join depends on which sector you work in.

Everyone who works in Sweden can join

Most people who work in Sweden choose to join an unemployment insurance fund. Today, unemployment insurance funds have a total of 3.9 million members. You do not have to be a Swedish citizen in order to join – all that is required is that you have a coordination number and work in Sweden for an employer who pays taxes and social security contributions on your behalf. Those who are self-employed can also join.

What happens if I am not a member of an unemployment insurance fund?

If you have worked enough to meet the eligibility requirement but have not been a member of an unemployment insurance fund, you can still receive compensation, but it will be a lower amount (known as the basic amount).

Without the unemployment insurance fund, you will receive a maximum of SEK 510 per day (before tax) if you have worked full time for at least one whole year. This is included in the basic unemployment insurance.

If you are a member, you can receive up to SEK 1,200 per day from the unemployment insurance fund, as well as additional compensation if you have income insurance.

Is SMÅA the right unemployment insurance fund for me?

SMÅA is an unemployment insurance fund for those who run a small business. Companies with 0–249 employees are classified as small businesses by SMÅA.

Family members of someone who is self-employed can also apply for membership.

Low cost, major support

It costs just SEK 159 per month to be a member of SMÅA.

The role of the Public Employment Service

It is the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) that will help you to find new work. In order to receive compensation from the unemployment insurance fund, you must have registered with the Public Employment Service and be actively looking for work.

You will also need to be in contact with the Public Employment Service and take part in planned meetings. If you do not take responsibility for your search for work, or if you prolong your period of unemployment, you may be disqualified from receiving compensation.

Other information

Apply for membership